Check whether the singly linked list is a palindrome

June 23, 2022 · 1 min read

Reverse second half of linked list, compare, then revert.

class Solution {
  Node *reverseLL(Node *head) {
    Node *curr = head, *prev = nullptr, *next;

    while (curr != nullptr) {
      next = curr->next;
      curr->next = prev;
      prev = curr;
      curr = next;

    return prev;

  // Function to check whether the list is palindrome.
  bool isPalindrome(Node *head) {
    int ctr = 0;
    Node *slow = head, *fast = head;

    if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr) {
      return true;

    while (slow != nullptr) {
      slow = slow->next;

    slow = head;

    while (fast != nullptr) {
      slow = slow->next;
      fast = fast->next;

      if (fast != nullptr) {
        fast = fast->next;

    slow = reverseLL(slow);
    fast = head;

    while (slow != nullptr) {
      if (fast->data != slow->data) {
        return false;
      slow = slow->next;
      fast = fast->next;

    return true;
Split a circular linked list into two halves
Deletion from a circular linked list