Hello World!

January 22, 2021 · 1 min read

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 😄.
This is my devblog, a small nook on the internet to share my experiences and experiments.

I am using the all-powerful Hugo with the Hello Friend theme. The site is stored on Github and hosted on Vercel. Hopefully, I’ll transition to my own design soon!

Currently I am fascinated by Emacs and keep discovering new things almost daily, I will also catalogue my journey with Emacs here.

I frequently come across links to useful stuff & compulsively send them to people. If you know me, you know what I’m talking about. I’ll try posting them here instead for future reference.
I’m already at my wit’s end writing a Hello World post, how will I write enough to sustain this blog 😩 Let’s hope I do, I really like the aesthetics of the current theme :D

I’m active on Twitter these days, come interact!

Until next time.

Using Emacs for College Assignments