Git and Version Control

a session on Git

September 22, 2022 · 1 min read

tldr; find the slides here

Today, I took a session on Git and Version Control for Vision, the technical society of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal.

I wrote the slides back in March 2021, but never took the session because of online classes and Covid-19. Hackoverflow, our internal Hacktoberfest for the college community is right around the corner, so I decided to use these slides for a session on Git, Github & Open Source.

Initially I had planned on hosting the slides natively on the blog itself, but since it is an independent project it feels better to use Github Pages on a separate repository for hosting them.

I used Reveal.js with Org because it has cool effects, and Org allows for export to a variety of formats (LaTeX Beamer presentations too 😏)

Didn’t expect so many attendees, but it all worked out in the end

You can find the slides here.

Feel free to reach out to me via Twitter for any questions/suggestions! 😁

SpOnGeBoB cAsE